Who is Ruby Franke Husband? Everything We Know About Kevin Franke

FacebookXRuby Franke’s ex-husband, Kevin Franke, is a determined father who wants to rebuild his relationship with his children despite the distance. Despite the obstacles, Kevin Franke remains dedicated to the well-being of his children. Who …

Ruby Franke’s ex-husband, Kevin Franke, is a determined father who wants to rebuild his relationship with his children despite the distance. Despite the obstacles, Kevin Franke remains dedicated to the well-being of his children.

Who is Ruby Franke’s estranged husband?

Kevin Frank was the ex-husband of Ruby Frank. The couple used to make YouTube videos together, but have since parted ways. Kevin has not been charged with a crime in connection with Ruby’s child abuse case. Others described Kevin as someone who cared about his children. Kevin wants to strengthen his relationship with his children, even if they are separated.

Kevin and Ruby have five children together. Four of the children were placed in protective custody following Ruby’s arrest. Since then, Kevin has been trying to get custody of the children. Kevin is determined to do what is best for his children. She works hard to make sure that they are well cared for. Kevin remains devoted to his family despite the challenges.

Ruby Franke, who is she?

Ruby Frank was an American woman who posted her family life on YouTube. Along with Kevin and their children, they made the passage for 8. Ruby got in trouble with the law after being arrested in Utah in 2023 and charged with child molestation. He pleaded guilty to a number of charges and received a lengthy prison sentence.

After launching in 2015, the channel has become wildly popular with thousands of views and millions of views on YouTube. Ruby’s parenting style includes punishing the children by withholding food and sending them to institutions. This caused some concern among the viewers. This decreased the popularity of the department and raised questions about Ruby’s actions.

Kevin and Ruby break up in 2022. Ruby deleted her YouTube channel. Kevin filed for divorce in 2023, when he began working as a psychiatrist. The story is not about the divorce between them and their children but about the family’s religious ties and Ruby’s rejection of her daughter in her parental ways.

Has Kevin Franke been charged in a child abuse case?

Kevin Franke is Ruby Franke’s husband, but the couple is now separated. He has not been charged with any offenses related to the investigation into the child’s arrest. According to ABC News , Kevin Frank’s attorney, Randy Kester, described Kevin as a good man in a September 2023 interview.

Keister said Kevin has not been charged with harming their children or anyone else. Keister told TODAY that Kevin tried to mend his relationship with his children that same month.

Kevin was determined to reunite with his children, not shift the blame. Kevin wants to do the best thing for his kids, even if it means examining his actions. Kevin and his partner were criticized on their station, with some viewers thinking they were insulting children.

An online petition was started to ask Children’s Services to investigate parenting practices. Ruby will not be able to upload content to its YouTube channel after 2022, NBC News reported

Randy Kester told TODAY.com that Ruby managed their divorce for more than a year. Kevin doesn’t want to be torn apart and is happy to resolve their differences in a family setting. Ruby Hildebrandt and Jodi Ildebrandt were present during their separation proceedings.

Where did Kevin Franke go?

Kevin Franke’s ex-wife Ruby Frank has not been charged with child abuse. Kevin Frank’s lawyer said that despite the divorce, he was a good man and did not participate in the abuse of his children. Kevin’s focus now is on improving his relationship with his family and ensuring their well-being.

Kevin officially filed for divorce in November 2023, after Ruby’s arrest and subsequent legal proceedings. Despite the challenges, Kevin puts the needs of his children first and works to rebuild the family dynamic.

What is the status of Ruby and Kevin Frank’s children?

Kevin Frank and Ruby have six children, Shari (and Abby), Chad, Julie, Russell, and Eve. Child Protective Services assumed custody of Ruby’s four children while she was incarcerated. Kevin filed a petition for custody of their daughter Abby (16) on February 9, 2024, says Page Six.

After being arrested, Ruby tries to gain custody of the four children. Kevin Keister, Kevin’s attorney, expressed his desire for Ruby and Jodi Hildebrandt to receive the maximum prison sentence before sentencing.

According to The New York Post , Kester said the judge is believed to give him one to 15 years for each of the four charges. The sentences are given in chronological order. Kevin also emphasized the seriousness of bullying and its impact on children.

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