Sackler Family, Find the Complete Details

Once lauded for its contributions to philanthropic science and the arts, the Sacklers were now associated with the turnaround of some of the most catastrophic public health events in American history based on the fact that they were in possession of Purdue Pharma, the company that gets the ultra-potent opioid painkiller OxyContin.

Are they breastfeeding?

The story of the Sackler family began with three brothers, Arthur, Raymond and Mortimer Sackler, who acquired Purdue Pharma in 1952. Under their guidance, Purdue Pharma grew from a humble business into a major pharmaceutical company founded and operated OxyContin was established beginning in the latter part of 1990. It was advertised as a wonderful pain reliever that had very low addictive potential These are cases where later it will be hotly debated.

How do you define OxyContin?

OxyContin is a brand name formulation of oxycodone was cleared by the FDA in the year 1995. The drug was advertised as a mild pain reliever and marketed as less addictive and safer than its competitors however , it soon became clear that OxyContin was highly addictive. Purdue Pharma’s clever marketing strategy is widely believed to be behind the rise in opioid use across the United States

Legal impact on Purdue Pharma and Sacklers

As the epidemic worsened, Purdue Pharma came under increased scrutiny under the microscope. Purdue Pharma filed for bankruptcy in September in response to mounting public and regulatory pressure that in 2019, Purdue Pharma faced lawsuits from 48 states that its actions contributed significantly to the nation’s drug policy overdose and in the opioid abuse crisis in 2019, in an effort to resolve more legal issues.

How have museums responded to the controversy surrounding Sackler?

The Sackler family’s support of the arts has also been controversial. A number of institutions, including NYC’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, have managed to sever ties with the Sackler name. In 2021, the Met removed its Sackler name from its exhibits in a move that resonated with the art world, as other institutions reassessed their relationship with the family

What is the Sackler family’s position now?

However, despite the legal battles and public outcry, it remains economically viable with a total of $10.8 billion by 2020. The family has reached many settlements, but still faces public scrutiny and legal proceedings challenges.


The Sackler family legacy is permanently impacted by the opioid epidemic. The Sacklers’ case raises important questions about responsibility and accountability in the pharmaceutical industry. As the legal battles continue and communities struggle to bounce back from the slump, the actions of Purdue Pharma and the Sacklers will play out in full over the next few years, providing a simple reminder of how businesses and public health practices address the complex interactions.

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