Jean Crafton Obituary and Cause of Death What Happened to Him?

FacebookXJean Alice Crafton of St. James was an esteemed figure. Living for almost 90 years before passing at 88 in Missouri on 30 October 2023, her legacy will long be remembered by family, community and …

Jean Alice Crafton of St. James was an esteemed figure. Living for almost 90 years before passing at 88 in Missouri on 30 October 2023, her legacy will long be remembered by family, community and education service providers and by those whom her life touched directly or indirectly.

Early Life

Jean Smallwood was raised by Charles Smallwood Sr. and Alice Burton Smallwood along with their parents Charles Jr and Alice Burton Smallwood of Missouri on January 6, 1935. From an early age onward, her life was guided by values such as education, hard work and community involvement – this laid the foundation for both a successful academic career as well as lifelong dedications both personal and familial responsibilities.

Jean married Jack Crafton on August 18th 1956 in Rosati Missouri and from that day forward their life together was marked by shared values, dreams and an undying commitment of love, support and companionship.

Family Ties

Jean left behind her legacy through the love she showed to both daughters Jennifer Thompson and Janet Creek as well as to their respective partners and families, her grandchildren, sister-in-law Marilyn Schwartze who became part of their extended familia. Jean treated everyone she encountered like part of their extended familia.

At heart, Jean was driven by her desire for education. She earned her teaching degree by attending Webster College, Mizzou, and Drury College; beginning her teaching career near Rolla.

Participating in the Community

Jean’s dedication to education extended well beyond her classroom experience. As a member of Missouri State Teachers Association, her advocacy and insight helped shape its dynamic educational atmosphere – she even served on its governing council for some years! Dedicated to Lifelong Education and Community Service: Jean continues her legacy today!

Farm Life

Jean’s enjoyment and appreciation for farm life was only outshone by her deep devotion to her own family. As the hub of family gatherings for generations to make lasting memories in their own unique ways, her home became the place for generation after generation to gather around it all to form long lasting bonds of affection between generations and to foster creativity and talent. Jean supported and encouraged all aspects of child development ranging from sports to the arts while being supportive yet nurturing parent.

Jean was no stranger to sorrow in life; her beloved husband Jack passed away in 2019 while both Michael and both parents and brothers also passed on. Yet her strength was apparent through her continued dedication to family, community and country.

Teaching Legacy

Jean’s impact on education in St. James, Missouri cannot be overstated. Her teaching method combined traditional values and contemporary methods into something her students appreciated immensely; she became beloved among them all for being so engaging. Jean was known for creating personal connections between herself and each student that persisted long into adulthood – inspiring a lifetime love of learning that her legacy lives on in many of its students today.

Jean was much more than an educator; she was beloved member of St. James due to her commitment to community initiatives as well as education. Jean was known for her wisdom, kindness and unfaltering dedication in bettering lives around her – leaving an indelible mark with all those whom she touched daily. She had an immense effect on all those she encountered throughout life.

Jean Alice Crafton left behind an inspiring legacy and example for all those she met, setting an incredible example for future generations both locally in St. James and beyond. Her deep commitments to family, community and students paved a powerful example that will continue to guide future generations – including many students at St. James Primary.

Jean Alice Crafton may no longer be with us physically, yet her lessons and stories continue to teach those whom she touched throughout their lives. Her life was marked with compassion, devotion and an undying generosity which inspired many individuals to live lives full of passion and purpose; many live lives full of meaning in memory of this remarkable lady whose knowledge will forever illuminate our future – may she rest eternally in peace.

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