Instagram to Make it Easy to Promote Other Users, May Allow You to Share Profiles on Stories Soon

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, and users are always looking for new ways to increase the visibility of their account. People who want to increase engagement with their Instagram account use a variety of strategies. These include using hashtags and sharing content that is trending. They also schedule posts strategically at certain times.

Now, it is reported that the social media platform has been working on a new feature which could help users gain an extra boost. Users will be able to share other profiles in Stories. In this way, users can share the profiles of their favorite creators or celebrities directly on Instagram.

Instagram lets users share their profiles on Stories

Alessandro Paluzzi, a tipster on X (formerly known as Twitter), posted that Instagram is developing a feature which will allow users to share profiles of other users directly on their Stories. On the Story, you will see the first three posts of the person (whose profile was shared), along with their profile name and bio. The “View Profile” button will be available.

It is easy to use and simple. This feature may be helpful for business owners and content creators who are looking to gain more exposure. This feature could be useful for influencers, users with multiple profiles and those who want to promote their various interests and ventures.

On the stories, there would be a button that said “View Profile”, which would take users directly to those profiles. This feature isn’t available yet but could be launched in 2024.

Instagram recently launched , a new feature which allows users to create and integrate their own templates into stories. The feature allows any story to become a template. It also allows other users to add their stories or modify them, if they have the creator’s permission. Adam Mosseri announced the introduction of this feature through his IG updates Broadcast Channel.

Today, we launched the ability to create and share your own Add Yours template. By pinning GIFs and text and using gallery images, you can create and share custom templates that are meme-able. Template creators will also be credited if others join the trend. This will give people more options to share their thoughts and express themselves creatively in Stories. Mosseri notes in his Broadcast Channel: “Check it out and let me what you think.”

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